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C3 Tri-Cities (C3) is a positive, encouraging, family-friendly community committed to following Jesus with our beliefs and practices. We are a diverse group of people with a variety of backgrounds. We place primary emphasis on Jesus centered personal growth, authentic group life, and community outreach. Join us as we learn, grow, and relate God’s word to real life situations.

Today’s Children, Tomorrow’s Leaders.

Current Message Series

The Book of Ruth

Jesus Christ made many audacious claims about Himself that eventually led to His crucifixion. He claimed to be every human being’s source of satisfaction, to be the only gateway to heaven, to be the only Truth that exists, to possess all authority on heaven and earth, to be the only One who can forgive sins. Ultimately, he claimed to be God Himself. The series, “I AM: The Radical Claims of Jesus,” explores some of these exclusive claims that Jesus made.

Coming up at C3